Agenda for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 11th July at 7.30pm at Allerston Village Hall.


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Agenda for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 11th July at 7.30pm at Allerston Village Hall.


1.     Welcome to all

2.     To receive apologies for absence

3.     Open forum

4.     Declaration of Interests

5.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 2nd May 2024

6.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

6.1 Highways information

6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch

7.     Planning applications received.

7.1 None

8.     Planning applications waiting a decision from North Yorkshire Council

8.1 ZE24/00420/FUL – The Hideout, Allerston. Erection of two detached outbuildings to support existing Holiday Lodge business.

9.     Planning decisions received

9.1 None

10.  Finance

10.1       Finance report May/June 2024 including payments and receipts

11. Wilton report

11.1       Wilton Ings Lane Closure

11.1.1   Diverting traffic after accidents

11.2       Wilton Roundabout

11.3       High speed broadband works

11.4       Speeding

11.4.1   High speed police vehicles

12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water consumption

12.2       Electric supply

13. Allerston Report

13.1       Allotment request update

13.2       Allerston to Wilton footpath

13.3       Forest Gate trees report

14. Chair/Councillors reports

14.1       Community MAPS Meeting

15. Clerks Information

15.1.1   None

16. To consider new correspondence/information received

16.1       Government consultation update on development rights for barns


Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 5th September 7:30pm at Wilton Village Hall