Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 11th July at 7.30pm at Allerston Village Hal


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 11th July at 7.30pm at Allerston Village Hall.

PRESENT: Cllrs. D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, A. Hall, G. Blunt, C. Read, D. Briston, S. Muir. Mrs P. Cox (Clerk and RFO)
Members of the public: 6


1.     Welcome to all. Cllr. Hunter welcomed all to the meeting. He informed the councillors and the public that Cllr. Davies has resigned as of the end of the nights meeting.

2.     To receive apologies for absence. Cllr. Davies.

3.     Open forum.

Cllr. Stead raised the issue of trees overhanging the Parish Council’s water tanks. The Clerk will speak to the owner and ask them to be trimmed.

Cllr. Hall asked if the grates outside of Church Farm, Wilton, could be unblocked as they are flooding the fields in the surrounding area. The Clerk will ask Highways.

Cllr. Read asked if Highways can be made aware of the graffiti that has appeared on the 40mph sign coming into Allerston on the A170. The Clerk will report this.

Cllr. Blunt asked if the residents around the Water Gap can cut a couple of metres of grass around the shallow part of the stream to allow smaller children to play in the water. Cllr. Blunt will meet with them on the Water Gap at a later date.

Cllr. Briston reiterated the rules around riparian ownership and reminded everyone that if they have ditches that run adjacent to their property, it is their responsibility. The Clerk will include this in the Allerston newsletter.

Cllr. Muir stated that a resident has voiced their concerns about potential asthma or hay fever triggers caused by not cutting grass verges.

A resident stated that the grass verges on the road to Yedingham need to be cut back to allow for safer visibility. The Clerk will contact Highways.

4.     Declaration of Interests. None.

5.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 2nd May 2024. All agreed and signed by the Chair.

6.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

6.1 Highways information. The Clerk relayed that bollards have been installed outside of Grey Walls to prevent any near misses from vehicles. The eroding bank at the top of Allerston Main Street has been reported. NYC have come to look at the issue and continue to monitor the area. The beck that had previously been narrowed with rocks at the bottom of Allerston Main Street has now been cleared.

6.2 VAS information and Speedwatch. The VAS sign has been moved from Wilton to Ebberston. The data is being collected to look at speeds. Speedwatch is up and running.

6.3 Vice-Chair declaration. Cllr. Read signed the declaration along with the Clerk.

7.     Planning applications received.

7.1 None

8.     Planning applications waiting a decision from North Yorkshire Council

8.1 ZE24/00420/FUL – The Hideout, Allerston. Erection of two detached outbuildings to support existing Holiday Lodge business. The Clerk has sent a comment from the councillors to NYC regarding this application.

9.     Planning decisions received

9.1 None

10.  Finance

10.1       Finance report May/June 2024 including payments and receipts. All approved.

11. Wilton report

11.1       Wilton Ings Lane Closure.

11.1.1   Diverting traffic after accidents. Vehicles were diverted down the road by the Police due to an accident on the A170. The road continues to be used as normal. The Clerk has sent an email to Highways to inform them of this.

11.2       Wilton Roundabout. The councillors felt that the green area should stay as it is. The Clerk to look into double yellow lines on the corner to prevent dangerous parking.

11.3       High speed broadband works. Fibre is being installed in the village. The Clerk will ask Openreach about future plans.

11.4       Speeding

11.4.1   High speed police vehicles. Clerk to ask Highways if they can install a monitoring device on the A170 to monitor speed.

12. Allerston Water

12.1       Water consumption. Water is still at an adequate consumption level.

12.2       Electric supply. In line with water consumption.

13. Allerston Report

13.1       Allotment request update. Nothing to report.

13.2       Allerston to Wilton footpath. Nothing new to report.

13.3       Forest Gate trees report. Cllr. Davies has trimmed the grass around the trees and will replace the birch tree. The AWE was asked if they would take over the maintenance of the area.

13.4       Bin at The Butts. The waste bin at The Butts was set on fire last month. Cllr. Blunt reported this to the police, and the Clerk has contacted NYC and Zurich in regard to cost. The councillors agreed to go through the insurance.

13.5       Allerston Wildlife Enthusiasts. The Clerk to give written permission to Cllr. Sanderson to allow AWE to plant trees and bulbs at The Butts.

14. Chair/Councillors reports

14.1       Community MAPS Meeting. Underage vaping has been reported in Pickering and there has been a big increase in fly tipping.

15. Clerks Information

15.1.1   Clerk holiday. The Clerk is going on holiday on the 19th of July for a month. She will be checking her emails sporadically and has asked Cllr. Briston to update the noticeboard and read the water meters during this time.

16. To consider new correspondence/information received

16.1       Government consultation update on development rights for barns. The Clerk read out an email from NYMNP that stated the development rights for barns that was proposed last year has not been extended for those buildings that are in National Parks/National Landscapes.


Meeting closed 8:25pm

Finance Report 1st May – 30th June 2024

Balances of the Parish Council Accounts @ 30/06/2024:
Parish Council Teachers Savings Account: £1,044.19
Parish Council Barclays Account: £3,996.49
Total: £5,040.68

Total water charge paid to 30/06/2024: £9,460.00
Total due on current occupancy: £12,315.00

Nationwide Business 1 Year Savings Account: £22,841.39
Nationwide Instant Saver (Water): £10,451.36
Business Reserve Account: £10,222.95
Barclays Water Account: £13,888.45
Total water accounts: £57,404.15