Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall


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Minutes for the Meeting of Allerston & Wilton Parish Council on Thursday 5th September at 7.30pm at Wilton Village Hall.

PRESENT: Cllrs. D. Hunter (Chair) K. Stead, A. Hall, S. Muir. Mrs P. Cox (Clerk and RFO)
Members of the public: Cllr. Sanderson.


1.     Welcome to all

2.     To receive apologies for absence. Cllr. Briston, Cllr. Blunt and Cllr. Read.

3.     Open forum. None.

4.     To consider applicants for the co-option of Councillor for Wilton. The Clerk received one application for the position of Councillor from Lucy Lunn. The councillors unanimously agreed to co-opt Mrs. Lunn onto the Parish Council.

5.     Declaration of Interests. None.

6.     To consider the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 11th July 2024. All agreed and signed by the Chair.

7.     To receive information on ongoing issues and decide further action where necessary:

7.1 Highways information. The Clerk has reported the graffitied sign on the A170 outside of Allerston. She has also asked Highways to unblock the grates outside of Church Farm and asked if the grass verges on the road to Yedingham could be cut.
Clerk to report overgrown trees on the A170 in Allerston as they are partially blocking the 50mph sign.

7.2 VAS information and Speedwatch. The VAS sign will be in Allerston in October for 2 months. The last 5 speed watches in Allerston averaged 125 cars per hour, with an average of 8 traveling about 35mph.

8.     Planning applications received.

8.1 None

9.     Planning applications waiting a decision from North Yorkshire Council

9.1 ZE24/00420/FUL – The Hideout, Allerston. Erection of two detached outbuildings to support existing Holiday Lodge business.

10. Planning decisions received

10.1       None

11.  Finance

11.1       Finance report July/August 2024 including payments and receipts. All agreed.

11.2       Draft 2025/2026 budget. All agreed – The precept will stay the same as the previous year.

12. Wilton report

12.1       Wilton Ings Lane Closure. The road is now open. Cllr. Sanderson will report the potentially dangerous signage that was erected in the road close to entrance of Wilton.

12.2       Double yellow lines. The Clerk has contacted North Yorkshire regarding double yellow lines opposite St. George’s Church. The councillors suggested these need to be placed from Pandora’s entrance to Karraine. The Clerk will respond to North Yorkshire and specify the exact placement. A public meeting is to be set up to ask for resident’s opinions.

12.3       Speed monitoring. The councillors agreed this process is not needed due to the high cost. The VAS sign already collects the information needed.

13. Allerston Water

13.1       Water consumption. Has risen in the last month, however this is to be expected due to the time of year. The Clerk will monitor the levels.

13.2       Electric supply. In line with water consumption.

14. Allerston Report

14.1       Allotment request update. No updates.

14.2       Allerston to Wilton footpath. No updates.

14.3       Bin at The Butts. The insurance money has been received and the Clerk has contacted NYC to order a new bin.

15. Chair/Councillors reports

15.1       Community MAPS Meeting. Fly tipping has increased – NYC are working to find the people involved and fine them for this. Graffiti seems to be on the increase around the Ryedale area.

16. Clerks Information

16.1.1   None

17. To consider new correspondence/information received

17.1       Trackrod Rally. This will come down the A170 on the Saturday the 28th of September at 10:30am. The Clerk will put the information in each noticeboard.

17.2       Keep North Yorkshire Clean campaign. NYC have brought out a new range of posters to highlight litter picking in the area. The Clerk will order some for the villages.  

17.3       Plant a Tree scheme. The Clerk read out the particulars of planting a ‘lasting legacy’

17.4       R.E.G. conference. The Ryedale Environmental Group is holding a free conference at Kirkby Misperton on Friday 27th of September. The Clerk will put the details in the noticeboards.



Date and venue of the next Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 7th November at 7:30pm at Allerston Village Hall


Dates of future meetings 2024/2025:

Thursday 9th January 2025 – Wilton Village Hall

Thursday 6th March 2025 – Allerston Village Hall


Meeting ended: 8:08pm